Monday, February 11, 2008

Buy direct line ucc

Buy was originally a trading post and protected by a hill fortress of Finno Ugrian Meri (Russian Merja) people c. 400-500 AD. Its original Meri name is not known, but in Finnish language it was called either Vuoksensuu or Vieksansuu (Mouth of Vuoksi / Vieksa). It was inhabited by the Finno Ugrian peoples of the area at least up to the Mongol invasion to Russia in 1237-1238. During the Mongol threat, few inhabitants of Kostroma sought refuge in Buy, and it seems that they renamed the place to Buy (Vui = Bui) instead of difficult Finno Ugrian name, but the origin of the Russian name comes from the old Meri (Merja) name. According to Russian history Buy was found in 1536 as a fortified point at the confluence of the Kostroma River and the Vyoksa River. The fortified point was built according to the order of Yelena Glinskaya, the regentess of Russia at that time and the mother of Ivan the Terrible.

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